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Take your games analysis to the next level with the Player Engagement Tracker

Check out 4 ways to leverage real-time monitoring of player activity

Traditional data tells one story — a dip or spike in sales or units. Hours can be spent diving into weeks and months of data without being able to identify true indictors of a game’s health and long-term success. Our Player Engagement Tracker delivers more insightful analysis into consumer habits with behavior metrics that track player retention, title cross-play, time spent, active users by title and platform, and more.

"Engagement is the single most important metric in the video game industry today."

Understanding the dynamics of player behavior can unlock the information and insights required for effective decision-making.

Mat Piscatella
Industry Analyst
The NPD Group

1. Get the full picture of competitive engagement

Now you can see where players came from prior to a game’s release and the titles they migrated to when they stopped playing.

2. Get a pulse on evolving behavior

Take control of your strategy by evaluating activity down to daily active users, measuring engagement down to minutes played.

3. Define a title’s performance with custom benchmarks

With retention metrics you can evaluate retention relative to launch against other titles or select a custom date to track player retention after an event.

4. Measure a promotion’s impact on title engagement

Quantify campaign effectiveness with immediate data to see uplifts from events, new content, updates, and inclusion into subscription services, as well as traditional promotions like discounts.

Interested in other key metrics the Player Engagement Tracker provides?

Average time spent by
title and platform

Daily, weekly, and monthly active
users by title and platform

Title cross-play

Daily peak concurrent users
by title and platform

Longitudinal play behavior

Player retention

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For more information, contact Cooper Waddell at 760-579-7120 or email